The Latest

So here’s the latest on what’s going on with my writing.

Lots of exciting things are happening.
Sure, Thrasher-boy, you say that all the time. Far as we know, you’re working the drive-through at Arbys.

No, I really mean it. There are some things I can share and some things I can’t share just yet. That’s part of the process of being a writer. Sometimes you work on projects that may or may not see the light of day. As much as I want to talk about them, it’s better professionally to keep my big yapper shut.
So what’s happening?
First off, I’m hoping to self publish a novel by the end of the year.
Oh, boy, things have gotten bad, haven’t they, Travesty? Self publishing?

There’s an explanation. I’ve shared some on that story, but I plan to share lots more soon. LOTS MORE. When I show up at your door knocking like a girl scout selling cookies, you’ll hear about it.
No, seriously, I’m ecstatic about the story. I’m calling it Every Breath You Take. The back cover copy is simple: “a love story with a supernatural twist.”
I’m done with work on Broken, my next supernatural thriller coming out in May. I’ve shared the plot of that story on my blog. It’s less scary than Isolation or Ghostwriter. There’s a real story of redemption in this novel. I love it.
Will you ever say you DON’T like a story, T-RASH?

Okay, well, how about this? The story I wrote this year under a proposed pen name was sent to my agent. Not so good with that one. I lost my way with it. My agent was kind but more or less said I’d lost my mind with it. I didn’t end up liking the story, to be honest. I’m going to keep some of the basics but ultimately go back to the drawing board with it. I already have ideas. But . . .
On the same day my agent more or less told me “Travis have you lost your mind?” with this story, she also presented me with a very interesting project.
Bet you can’t tell us ’cause it’s just so ultra cool just like you think you are, huh?

Yes, second-person-spouting voice in my head. You’re right.
I’m working on a couple of projects that have come to me. No, they don’t involve Dancing With The Stars (I’m not one yet) and they don’t involve the Amish (not one yet either). These are in the category of Might-See-The-Light-Of-Day. They’re very cool and would take my career in a cool new direction if they happen.
So is that it? Because you’re really boring the audience here, Travie. And I think you’ve already lost a whole bunch of blog readers.

Actually, no, it’s not it. I’ve already shared some about this, but the first in my teen series called Solitary is getting a great response from the publisher. It’s coming out in August and I’m currently working on through the edits on it. Love the potential of this story.
So when are you writing with James Patterson, Mr. Trasher?

Okay, so that’s it on the writing side of things. I’m working very hard, not only to continue this wonderful and crazy journey I’m fortunate to be on, but because I love telling stories. I really do. I get frustrated when I get them wrong, but I love it when I hear I get them right.

1 Comment

  1. Hey Travis, I'm looking forward to your new book in May! I've just finished ISOLATION and like it. I've got GHOSTWRITER in my to-be-read pile and am looking forward to reading it soon. Keep up the great work!

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