My 37th Year

On the eve of another birthday, here are some random thoughts on my 37th year of living . . .

I finished writing Ghostwriter, then rewrote it and rewrote it again.

Hit Rock Bottom for four months and enjoyed the ride.

Waited and learned that most things in life take longer than we’d like them to take.

Continue to wait. Continue to learn.

Saw how much Kylie takes after both mommy and daddy and how much she loves both of us. Our love for her grows daily.

Cancer showed up in the form of Mike Tyson, but thankfully instead of knocking me down and out he only took a little chunk off my ear.

I discovered how beautiful sunrises and sunsets can be on Lake Pontchartrain.

Wrote and finished Broken. Handing it in this week.

Signed another contract that I’ll be talking about soon.

Thankful for the patience and gentleness of Sharon. And how steadfast of a mother she continues to be.

Learned that every day is a gift from God. And keep trying to remember (and keep relearning) to make every day matter, and to love others and let everything else fall away.

Quote from Broken: “Some ghosts don’t haunt you. Some set you free.”

Still feeling like I’m just on the edge of something exciting and profound and life-changing. Just waiting to take the next step, waiting to get out of my own way.

Then again, I’ve been feeling that way since fourth-grade and probably always will . . .


  1. Travis,
    First of all Happy 37th, hope it’s great one. Second, I am so glad I signed up for your author workshop, even in this short list you give insight and provision. I am really looking forward to meeting you and soaking up some experienced tips. Third, keep the good stuff coming! It seems you’ve been quite successful in life and continue to grow. Fouth and lastly, I can’t wait till I’m 37 and can look back.

  2. Hey Cory. Thanks man. Looking forward to meeting you and talking shop. I still find it very, very fortunate to be published (and paid to be published). See you soon!

  3. Happy Birthday, Travis!

    I am a full-time ministry secretary with children and youth. Because I work with them so often, I’m given plenty of chances to realize that they are WAY smarter than me. (I just try to keep THEM from realizing it!)

    About two years ago, an almost-16-year-old girl came up to me and said, “Miss Sarah, what has been your favorite year so far?” I think she was hoping that I’d say “16” or perhaps “18” or “21”. I thought about it a minute and had this startling revelation. I looked at her and said, “Well, Meggy, I can’t say. ‘Cause every year gets better and better.”

    Travis, I become more and more convinced of this. Life gets harder. True that. But every day, as I get closer to God, His answers become clearer to me. And thus, I get better with age because I become more like Him!

    So, here’s to getting better with age! 🙂


  4. Will be starting to read “Admission” shortly — can’t wait for “Ghostwriter.”

    And happy birthday!

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