My Favorite Soundtracks In 2008

Everybody always has top ten lists at the end of each year. I didn’t have a top ten list for album releases–I thought it wasn’t a very strong year in rock music (except for my infinite love of Coldplay growing). But there were many great soundtracks released last year, so I thought I’d share my favorites and my short thoughts on them. 

The top by far is the soundtrack to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I posted some of my thoughts on that movie. This is beautiful, touching music. It’s perfect for the movie. It’s full of life and it’s absolutely lovely. This will be the soundtrack that I’ll use in my writing for many years to come.

The soundtrack to Wall-E by Thomas Newman (who is my favorite composer) is perfect. It’s fun. Not the best to write too, but I can’t imagine the movie without it. 
Okay, so the Nine Inch Nails release entitled Ghosts isn’t a soundtrack. But it might as well be. Perfect music, especially for writing Ghostwriter. 
I enjoyed The Bucket List and used a few songs from this score for my writing. 
James Newton Howard is a workhorse. He had something like five soundtracks out in 2008 (or at least it seemed). This was a very pretty score for The Great Debaters. 
Horrible movie. I hate to say it but just absolutely horrible. But the music itself wasn’t too bad. I plan on using this down the road for some more spooky stories. 
Here’s a third James Newton Howard soundtrack on my list. What else can I say about The Dark Knight that hasn’t been said? The combo of Hans Zimmer and Howard is amazing. Powerful, brooding stuff. 
I didn’t see the movie but this will be a soundtrack I use for my teen series. It’s good. I like Carter Burwell–he doesn’t do conventional stuff. 
Another good, slightly dark and melancholy soundtrack. Haven’t seen the movie. 
I love Clint Mansell. This was a delightful score that I used a lot this year while writing my love story. I loved this movie, too.