The Myths & Realities of Writing Fulltime

With my author’s workshop coming up this Saturday morning, I thought I’d post some things that are interesting and fun related to writing. This one falls in the fun category. It deals with the myths and realities of writing fulltime. 
So, I’ve been writing now fulltime for 20 months. Let me break down the myths and share the realities!! 

Myth: Authors sleep in until noon

Reality: Do you have a two-year-old? If so, enough said. If not, well, think of a real, live, active alarm clock, one that says “WAKE UP!” at the hint of sleeping.

Myth: Authors work in their pajamas all day

Reality: This is one myth I’ve seriously done everything to avoid. Not like I’m wearing dress pants or anything fancy, but come on. I don’t want to look like Mr. Mom, or Hugh Hefner. 

Myth: Authors only have to put in a few hours of work each day.

Reality: Maybe if you’re John Grisham (and judging on the reviews of his last book on Amazon, well . . . ) But think of owning your own business in these crazy, scary tough times. Think that you might work on a novel that may or may not get sold. Think that your home is your office and your imagination is your toolbox. The hours are roughly 8 a.m. to midnight with a few chunks of time off (and if you think I’m joking, well, this time I’m not)

Myth: Writing 8 hours a day will result in tons more words written

Reality: I believe every author can only write a certain amount before the writing gets overdone. Imagine the time it takes to cook a nice, juicy steak. Eventually you’ll need to take that sucker off or else it’ll be charred. Writing is the same way. Or, I should say, your brain is the same way. 

Myth: Happy hour starts at four.

Reality: I usually start at two. haha (joking)

Myth: Writers play on Facebook and Twitter all day long

Reality: I think some do. I dip into it all day long but try not to get immersed.

Myth: “You’re living the dream!!”

Reality: “Living the dream involves having no debt”

Myth: Authors have more time to spend with family. 
Reality: Yes. And more time to take out the dog or change a diaper or take out the garbage or . . . 
Myth: Being creative means watching movies whenever you want. 
Reality: Being creative means sitting in a chair staring out the window watching the world go by and wondering/debating/pondering/thinking
Myth: Authors take “trips” for “research”
Reality: Yeah, this is true
Myth: “Okay, sure, writing fulltime is work just like anything else. But still–isn’t it awesome??”
Reality: “The awesome part lasted 2.4 hours the first day. It’s a job, one that I love, one that seems natural and exhausting just like any other. One that I wouldn’t change for anything else in the world!”


  1. Myth: Being creative means watching movies whenever you want.

    I had to laugh out loud at this one. My wife always interrupts with laundry.

    My Reality: Wishful thinking.

    Nice post, can’t wait for Saturday.

  2. Laundry–I can relate to that too! Though I do have to admit. There have been occasions when I saw a movie in the theater during the day. On “worktime.”

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