Radical Notion

Okay, so here is the truth.

When I worked at the publisher in
author relations, I always believed that one day, I’d have a shelf of books
with my name on them. This was before I had my first novel published. This
wasn’t an arrogant thought. I had learned enough about the business and knew
that it could happen. So when I planned,
I didn’t plan for one book. I began to start working on the different types of
books I wanted to write.
Then, when I was fortunate to have
my first novel published, I began to think about something else. Something that
I almost never shared.
I believed in my heart that an
author didn’t have to be confined to one box and one brand. I believed that I
could be an actor of sorts and jump into any character in any—any—story.
God knows it’s hard enough to get
published and continue to get published. But once again, I had this belief that
I could tell a variety of stories. Not because I was such a magnificent
storyteller. I felt I was decent and I could learn to become a better writer.
But I just figured it could happen.
So that’s what I started working
I heard what publishers said about
authors who thought this way. When I would sometimes share these thoughts, they
would be honest with me. I had conversations with agents about this. Some of
the best and brightest told me what I really needed to do to breakout and be
successful. I would nod and listen and know they were speaking from their heart
to help me out.
But I didn’t pay attention to those
people. I knew they were right. But deep down, I wanted to prove them wrong.
Meanwhile, I struggled simply
writing good stories. I waited and watched doors close. I saw sales diminish.
Yet not only did I continue to believe in that shelf of books, but I believed
in this radical notion that I could write in a variety of genres. I believed
that eventually, this would work out.
I still believe in all of this. But
it’s not simply to prove someone wrong. It’s not to try to be anything other
than a guy who writes good stories. That’s all.
These past four and a half years
have taught me a lot. A lot. And the biggest thing I’m starting to learn is
that this writing thing isn’t about me. It’s never been about me.
I think I’m finally learning and
becoming okay with the fact that this writing thing is about telling stories
about hope and redemption. About broken people finding glimpses of the truth
along their journey. Whether it’s a love story or a horror novel or a YA series
or a collaboration or a novelization, the common ingredient is Travis Thrasher.
Yet he is irrelevant.
I am a Christian writer. If that’s
my box, so be it. Brand it on my behind. I don’t care anymore about the labels
and the logos and the language used. It’s not because I’ve given up, but more
about God working on my pride and my stubbornness and my foolish notions of
doing things my way.
Every week that passes and every
month that goes by, I’m taught that it’s not about me. This writing thing, this
parenting thing, this life thing.
Like a mule I’m stubborn. So
stubborn. I’m a jackass. But as the Bible has shown, God can speak through an
ass. I’m a living example of this.  
I’m sharing this because I want to
invite those of you who are fans or those of you who are curious writers into
this journey. I’ve been at this four and a half years. I could see writing for
another fifty years. Then again, I could see me having to change course in just
a few months.
That is the journey I’m still on.
And I want to invite you to continue along with me.
I still believe in my heart that a
novelist can be successful jumping from box to box. I feel if I have the
ability to tell a sweet little love story and a twisted harrowing thriller,
then why not do it? Why not use those multiple personalities of mine to my
I think anybody who’s worked with
me hopefully knows that I’m a hard worker and that I’m not out to prove anybody
wrong. I have a lot of fans in the publishing industry rooting for me. Yet
still, I understand when someone tries to describe me as a writer and then
pauses and can’t seem to find the answer.
Personally, I think that’s awesome.
I don’t want to be so easily labeled. But that desire comes with a price.
So be it. That’s that road I’ve
chosen and it’s an uphill battle.
I share this because I believe it
makes the journey all the more difficult and all the more exciting.
My goal like yesterday and the day
before continues to be to keep climbing and to keep hoping and to
always—always—keep dreaming.
Since third grade, I’ve been
Why change now?  


  1. Thank you for this post. I'm a hopeful writer myself, and I've been envisioning that shelf of books with my name on them for many years as well. Since I discovered your books, I've been so encouraged because you write the way I want to – in whatever genre you have a story to tell. I don't want to be stuck in a box, only able to write one type of story because I have to have a "brand." You give me hope that I can write in many genres and still have some success.

  2. It's who you are, who God made you to be. Don't fold. Live your call. Love your call. You're right about what you do. Proven. Go the different route because it's the one God has for you. Period.

  3. I support you in this radical notion. As of yet, I haven't had the chance to read many of your books (just Solitary and Gravestone so far), but I look forward to nosing through more. In fact, I received Temptation in the mail the other day. I can't wait to start it! Thank you.

  4. I agree with Nicole. It's what makes you a different writer and why I'm such a fan. I love that each book is different and unique. You don't copy other writers or jump on a bandwagon. You follow where God wants to go, both in writing and parenting.
    Don't change, as INXS once said. Please, Travis, don't change. Stay strong. Keep writing. Please.
    Praying for you buddy!

  5. I agree that this is both an excellent and inspiring post. I finished Temptation half an hour ago and my head is still spinning. What a terrific third installment!

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