The Soundtracks Say It All

Here are the soundtracks I’m listening to as I write the first in my supernatural teen series. They actually reveal some of the story, too. No, there are no vampires. And no, there’s not some silly virus going around in the plants and the trees. But hey–the story is still being formed, so there’s always a possibility! 


  1. Seeing the soundtracks, I can't wait to see how this unfolds. Paranormal can be anything outside the box, subtle or outright lascivious. The hook is in the unexpected. (Hugs)Indigo

  2. Nice selection. I can only imagine the tone of the story. =)

    Personally, I don't find the Twilight soundtrack to be helpful as all the songs are already etched in my mind as being related to all things Twilight. It's different from person to person. =)

  3. Thanks SarahKay and Indigo! Linda–the Twilight soundtrack I'm using is the instrumental one, not the one with all the songs. I haven't seen the movie! I do that sometimes, getting a soundtrack to something I haven't seen. The instrumental music works decently.

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