Ten Reasons To Follow Me On Twitter (All Serious Too!)

I’m on Twitter. So is your brother and neighbor and mailman and President. 

Here are ten honest and serious reasons for following me on Twitter. And trust me–one day it could save your life. 
#10. The life of a full-time writer is full of excitement. Thirty seconds ago I was just typing on my computer. An hour from now I’ll probably be typing on my computer. These are things you need to know. 
#9. My music collection consists of 80’s groups that still rock (Depeche Mode, U2, Pet Shop Boys) and soundtracks. You never know if I’m jamming to Morrissey or crying to James Horner. 
#8. Look, cubicle boy. I know what you’re doing. Nothing. You’re pretending to work. 
#7. I’m not one of those authors who have 4,000 followers and don’t follow a single soul. Come on. I’ll follow you. I might even show up at your front door! 
#6. I need the social outlet. Please for the love of all that’s holy help a man out!
#5. Are you cool? Good. Because I’m cool. And we can be cool together. 
#4. My Twitter membership is absolutely free! (after a lifetime agreement to purchase every book I ever publish)
#3. Here’s an example of a Tweet I posted the other day: “Sometimes the color yellow makes me laugh. Out loud. haha!”
#2. What would it be like if the Jack Nicholson character from The Shining was on Twitter? How awesome would that be to hear his thoughts? Well now, by following Travis Thrasher on Twitter, you’ll be able to see firsthand how a novelist goes absolutely BATTY. 
#1. Stephen King isn’t on Twitter. So follow me instead. 


  1. Well, there’s #8. But because of what my team does at work, we get paid for checking out Twitter.

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