Ten Reasons To Love LOST

So season six of “Lost” begins tonight.
I don’t think I’m alone in stating that “Lost” could be the best television series ever. It’s like six epic movies that just happen to be divided in hour segments and shown weekly on ABC. Everything about it works. And while we have yet to see how the story unfolds this final season, I still can say that it’s amazing storytelling and filmmaking.
Let me share ten reasons why I love “Lost”:
#10: THE LACK OF A BOX. When “Lost” first came out, it was hard to know what genre it fit into. A fantasy? A supernatural thriller? An adventure yarn with a “Twilight Zone” vibe? Last season it finally seemed to settle on a box, yet I would still argue that “Lost” is more than simply science fiction. I believe it’s created a box of its own.
#9. THE MYSTERY. Every episode keeps you guessing. Charlie Pace asks the question everybody wants an answer to: “Guys, where are we?” Even when certain answers come, they lead to more questions.

#8. THE LOCATION. They film on location in Hawaii. In Hawaii. I mean, for that reason alone it would be worth watching. I live in the Chicago suburbs. Do I need to say anything more?
#7. PRODUCTION VALUES. Combine #8 with amazing production values and you have a movie-quality experience. When I first saw the pilot, I was blown away. This wasn’t like any pilot I’d seen before. It felt like I was watching a well-made movie. I thought to myself, there’s no way they can keep this level of quality. But they have.
#5. KNOWING THE END. As a fan of Twin Peaks and The X Files, I was disappointed by how both of those shows ended. Yes, we haven’t seen how “Lost” ends the story, but they’re building toward something. They’ve already said they’re going to answer a lot of questions.
#4. KNOWING WHEN TO END. The makers of “Lost” were smart to set an end date early on. Sure, they could have milked it for five more seasons. They decided to tell the story they needed to and they figured out when to end it. This was a brilliant decision.

#3. KATE! Okay, yes, she’s another of the many reasons to watch the show.
But no, #3 really is HEART. There is a lot of heart in the telling of these stories and in the handling of the characters. Yes, there are love stories, but there are also stories about friendships and forgiveness and finding peace.
#2. THE CHARACTERS. Ultimately, “Lost” is a show about flawed people on journeys. What’s the connection and how does their journey end? That’s why I watch it. I love the mythology, but more than that I adore the characters. They are real, they are troubled, and many of them are lost in life.
#1. REDEMPTION. There is a redemptive nature about a lot of the character journeys on “Lost”. These troubled souls are stranded on an island in search of personal salvation. Some have already found it. Some are incapable of finding it. That’s why I watch it. That’s why I can’t wait to see how the final season unfolds.


  1. I would also say backstory. Has there ever been a show, movie, novel, that has used backstory better then LOST. I say no. And I realize backstory is tied into #2 characters and #9 mystery but just thought I'd highlight it. Great post Travis. Looking forward to it tonight.

  2. I'd add a #6a to your list: Sawyer.

    The show is a master class in plot and mythology – as well as giving us rich, complex characters.

    I can't imagine how they'll bring the series in for a landing (pardon the pun), but I'll be watching and wondering until the final credits roll.

  3. Rob–yes, awesome point–BACKSTORY! It shows that the work can pay off in magnificent ways. Michelle–are you saying Sawyer or Sawyer's chest?? Just kidding–I love him. I don't think they'll answer everything, which will give us fodder for years to come.

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