Top Ten Things Authors Say

Top Ten Things You’ll Find Yourself Saying If You’re A Writer:

“How did that book become a bestseller? I can write better than that!”

“This is my best book yet.”

“I have this one idea . . . “

“It just really wasn’t marketed well”

“This would make a GREAT movie!”

“It takes them so long to get back to me.”

“This could really get me to the next level.”

“This is in the vein of (insert popular author here) and (insert other popular author here).”

“It REALLY takes them a long time to get back to me.”

“Wait! Aren’t I supposed to get a check with my royalty statement?”


  1. More . . .

    Wow – it’s number 128,765 on Amazon !!!!

    As I wrote in my last book . . . .

    That’s a great question (radio host name) – I’m glad you asked . . .

    Paperback ???

    Retail would love this if they just gave it a try.

    I can’t believe I didn’t click SAVE.

    Well, I actually AM working.

    I’ll probably need about three more weeks to finish it, is that OK?

  2. Shoot… what was that great idea I had while I was driving? I remember crossing the railroad tracks & reading that funny license plate & then thinking of it at the next stoplight… but what was it? Maybe if I remember what the plate said, it'll help me remember the story-idea…

    This is a daily occurrence.

    And yes, I have a watch with a voice-recorder function for just this reason… except I always think that this particular idea is unforgettably good… and neglect to record it.

  3. This happens to me a lot S.A.M. I always try to have a pen handy. I’ll write anywhere. Once I came up with a line and texted that line to my email. It became the opening line for Sky Blue. So you never know. Some of those scraps might see light of day.

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