TT’s Top Ten Reasons Writers Might Want To Avoid Twitter

Top ten reasons why writers might want to avoid Twitter:

#10: Twitter Addiction–this nagging urge to see what a hundred people you don’t know are thinking

#9: Because your writing will soon become sentences and thoughts all done in 140 character increments (sweet–I have 48 characters left)

#8: @laughsalot101 makes you angry every time you hear what she thinks is funny

#7: You’ll never ever become a trending topic (but Heidi Montag will be)

#6: Because Facebook allows you to be far more creepier–I mean personal

#5: You’re starting to see http://bit. in the middle of EVERY sentence you read.

#4: People on Twitter look so much bigger–and real!–when you meet them

#3: Too many “experts” already on Twitter. Lots and lots of “experts”

#2: Because MeLuvYouLongTimeX24 doesn’t really need to be following anybody on Twitter. I mean–seriously.

#1: Because Neil Gaiman has 1,008,873 more followers than you do


  1. smiling

    [is that too understated?]

    [i'm thinking a few writers should learn the art of understatement]

    [writing inside little boxes is good practice]

    [well, at the art of understatement, or maybe @ the art of abbrev.]

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