The Work In Progress

My current work-in-progress is more thrilling than scary. But it’s heading in a direction that’s absolutely terrifying. It’s going somewhere I don’t want to go in terms of storytelling. This morning as I was writing and seeing the story unfold, I was thinking I don’t want to go there. And that’s when I knew I had to. 

You never know what to make of a work as it’s being written. It can be messy. It can be a beast. This one certainly has a character of its own. Lean and mean–that’s what it is. But if done right, it might be the most powerful story I’ve written. 
I’m not trying to be dramatic here (any more than I already am all the time). I’m being honest. If I can do it right and do it well, watch out. 
But man–I don’t know. I really don’t know.